Community Hike with Families

Frequently Asked Questions

Children engaged in activities
At what age is my child eligible for your program?
Typically, children start close to their third birthday but we have made exceptions for children as young as 15 and 18 months. Children often stay in our program for two or three years and we really believe being in a multi-age group leads to deeper social and emotional growth. We often have four and five year olds who love to be the teachers and caregivers of the younger friends, in that sense everyone benefits.
When does the school year begin and end?
Preschool starts the Wednesday after Labor Day in September and ends the first or second Friday in June. Summer Camp is structured in nine one week options from mid-June to mid-August.
What are your hours of operation?
The set hours covered by tuition are 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday. In addition to those hours flexible early drop-off and late after school hours are available.
When are your school closures?
Hedgerow follows a typical elementary schedule. School begins the Wednesday after Labor Day in September and Graduation (and last preschool day) is on the first or second Friday of June. We close for Thanksgiving on the Wednesday before and take two weeks off in Winter and two weeks off in Spring.
What are your teacher-to-child ratios?
Our ratio is six children to each adult teacher at a minimum. It is often higher with specialty teachers that come in and parent volunteers.
Does my child have to be potty trained?
Not at all. We will work with your family and your children to help them go through that process in the most developmentally appropriate way. It is in no way a linear process. It is often one of fits and starts so we work with each child individually without shame, guilt or pressure.
Do you guarantee sibling enrollment?
Yes, unless both the administration and parents/guardians agree we can not meet a specific child's needs within the limits of the program. That has happened on very rare occasions. We pride ourselves on being a program that can accommodate children with a full spectrum of needs and we do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, or sexual orientation.
Do you offer a sibling discount?
There is no discount for siblings' annual tuition, however extra hours before or after school hours are billed at $25 for one child and $30 per hour if two siblings attend on the same day and same hours.
Are meals included in the tuition?
Wholesome, organic and generous snacks are provided and children bring their lunches from home.
What is your sick child policy?

As a community, we strive to keep everyone as happy and healthy as possible. There are several guidelines we ask parents to commit to for the well-being of everyone.

If your child seems unwell, please do not bring them to school. If we feel that a child is at school and may be contagious or is not feeling well, we will call and ask that they be brought home immediately until they have recovered.

Young children are susceptible to viruses and illness, as their immune systems are still developing. Although exposure can strengthen bodies, it can also put other, more vulnerable people at risk.

These are the conditions we would like you to be aware of and keep your children home if you suspect they are at risk:

  • If your child is lethargic, lacks appetite, or is not playing as normal, they may be coming down with something.
  • When a child vomits or has diarrhea, they may not return to school until there has not been an episode for a minimum of 24 hours, and the child is completely back to normal energy levels.
  • If your child has a fever 1 degree or greater over their normal resting temperature.
  • The start of a virus, including colds, is the most virulent contagious period.
  • A nasty cough or sore throat is a good reason to stay home and rest.
  • Pink eye--itchy eyes with discharge--should be cleared completely before returning to school.
  • Lice and pinworms should be cleared before returning to school.
  • Skin outbreaks and rashes can be contagious, including impetigo.
Children engaged in activities
Children engaged in activities
Are your students and staff vaccinated?
Yes. We often have infants, pregnant people, elderly family members and immunocompromised people participating at Hedgerow, so as the gate-keepers for our community's health we require all mandated vaccines for students and all staff members are required to stay up to date on all of our vaccines, including Covid-19 and Flu.
What is your emergency plan?

We have a very elaborate emergency plan and are professionally trained for earthquakes, tsunamis, fire, thunderstorms and emergency evacuation. We do regular drills with the children but we make it so fun they are always pestering us to do them over and over again.

We have "Lady Bug-Out Bags" for each child that were designed for us personally by an Air Force Major (and former mom in our program) who happens to have trained leaders in multiple foreign countries in disaster response. Hedgerow also has extensive supplies if we need to shelter in place.

We have several Hedgerow families within a two block distance who have offered their homes as potential evacuation sites but there are also city-run sites in the vicinity that will be available as well if needed.

Beth is trained in and registered through the city as a member of the Santa Monica Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Beth and Ty both stay passionately up to date on CPR and Child Safety and Healthcare classes.

What is the education background of your teachers?
Beth and Ty are college educated with degrees or certificates in Early Childhood Education.
How do you work with challenging behaviors?

With great pleasure! Our motto is "We can handle anything!" Our established rules are: we work towards everyone feeling happy (of course all other emotions are also embraced with gusto) and we want everyone to be safe. Problems are just challenges and opportunities to be understood, worked through and embraced as part of growing into world citizens who feel they can be the change that's needed in their lives and the lives of others.

Learning to set limits, assess risks and express feelings are a big part of our collaborative social structure day in and day out.

"Beneath every behavior, there is a feeling. And beneath each feeling is a need. And when we meet that need rather than focus on the behavior, we begin to deal with the cause, not the symptom" - Ashleigh Warner, Wholistic Family Psychologist
How do parents receive information?
We love communicating! Parents are actively encouraged to come to us with anything that's on their minds. Because we are such a small and intimate community teachers have plenty of time and energy to devote to sharing and receiving ideas, concerns and questions. While we do have formal and scheduled parent-teacher conferences we also often set up meetings in person when requested or when we feel it might be helpful for all involved. Phone calls, emails and texts are all really great ways to chat as well as before and after school check-ins.
Does your school celebrate holidays?
We are a non-secular school and are very sensitive to the great diversity of our families as regards celebrations and traditions. The in-school celebrations like Halloween and Valentine's Day are kept very sweet and simple with families invited to join in. We also do some out of school celebrations that are seasonal and Waldorf-inspired, including a fall Lantern Walk, Winter Advent Spiral, Spring May Day and Maypole Dance and Summer End of School and Graduation Picnic and Party. We enjoy it when families wish to share their traditions, celebrations and special foods with the community.
If we decide to take a month off, do I still pay tuition?
Tuition is based on an annual amount, whether you attend or not you are still responsible for the 10 monthly payments.
Do you offer scholarships?
No, however there have been situations where parents were able to offer us professional assistance in exchange for a discounted tuition. For example, we are fortunate to have original works of art from artists that have works in museums, architects and builders and former teachers and musicians have all benefited (as did we!) from arrangements of this kind.
Do you do fundraising?
All fundraising and project participation is absolutely voluntary. We do not pressure parents and any donations are kept anonymous. We understand the work of raising a family can be time-consuming and challenging at times and we want to be as supportive as possible to allow parents to make healthy and sound choices with their time and money.
Children engaged in activities