As a community, we strive to keep everyone as happy and healthy as possible. There are several guidelines we ask parents to commit to for the well-being of everyone.
If your child seems unwell, please do not bring them to school. If we feel that a child is at school and may be contagious or is not feeling well, we will call and ask that they be brought home immediately until they have recovered.
Young children are susceptible to viruses and illness, as their immune systems are still developing. Although exposure can strengthen bodies, it can also put other, more vulnerable people at risk.
These are the conditions we would like you to be aware of and keep your children home if you suspect they are at risk:
- If your child is lethargic, lacks appetite, or is not playing as normal, they may be coming down with something.
- When a child vomits or has diarrhea, they may not return to school until there has not been an episode for a minimum of 24 hours, and the child is completely back to normal energy levels.
- If your child has a fever 1 degree or greater over their normal resting temperature.
- The start of a virus, including colds, is the most virulent contagious period.
- A nasty cough or sore throat is a good reason to stay home and rest.
- Pink eye--itchy eyes with discharge--should be cleared completely before returning to school.
- Lice and pinworms should be cleared before returning to school.
- Skin outbreaks and rashes can be contagious, including impetigo.
We have a very elaborate emergency plan and are professionally trained for earthquakes, tsunamis, fire, thunderstorms and emergency evacuation. We do regular drills with the children but we make it so fun they are always pestering us to do them over and over again.
We have "Lady Bug-Out Bags" for each child that were designed for us personally by an Air Force Major (and former mom in our program) who happens to have trained leaders in multiple foreign countries in disaster response. Hedgerow also has extensive supplies if we need to shelter in place.
We have several Hedgerow families within a two block distance who have offered their homes as potential evacuation sites but there are also city-run sites in the vicinity that will be available as well if needed.
Beth is trained in and registered through the city as a member of the Santa Monica Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Beth and Ty both stay passionately up to date on CPR and Child Safety and Healthcare classes.
With great pleasure! Our motto is "We can handle anything!" Our established rules are: we work towards everyone feeling happy (of course all other emotions are also embraced with gusto) and we want everyone to be safe. Problems are just challenges and opportunities to be understood, worked through and embraced as part of growing into world citizens who feel they can be the change that's needed in their lives and the lives of others.
Learning to set limits, assess risks and express feelings are a big part of our collaborative social structure day in and day out.